Monday, November 1, 2010

Bad Hat Day

Bad Head
Better Head

I suppose every carver has something he doesn't like to work on and puts it off as long as possible. For me it's boots. I honestly can't say why, but I had planned on finishing the boots next but decided to work on the head some more. Something about it doesn't look right. Lately, my Santas have been looking more like Wise Men. I think it's in the proportions ... or the beard ... or the eyes. I'm going  for a more "jolly"  Santa, but I think the width of the blank for the head was too narrow at 1 3/4". 2" maybe even 2 1/4" would have allowed me room to make a wider beard and a rounder face. But let's see if I can lighten this guy up a little and give his head a little more character. First, that hat has to come up above the eyebrows and the front needs to be a bit more rounded, not straight across. Next, I took a lot of material off the hat itself to give it less of a "cone head" look. Next, I'll re-carve those eyes I carved off. And do some work on the beard, hoping to make it a little less symmetrical. Much better. There's still some facial work to go and I need to finish the hair and mustache, but I'm liking his look a lot more. NOW to the boots - ugh!

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