Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Time to Reflect

This time of year can be joyous, hectic and fattening, but it's also a time when we start to reflect on a year gone by and another one coming toward us. I am not one to make a lot of New Year's  resolutions, but I do like to  set goals both large and small in hopes I can be better next year than I was this year. Since this is a blog devoted to carving, I wanted to reflect on what I have learned and accomplished in the past few months.

Starting back in September, I realized I really wanted to get serious about carving. I did a lot of research. I started learning about how to get me tools really sharp. I bought a few tools I needed to fill out my collection based on the type of carving I wanted to do. I started studying technique with books, magazines and the internet. I made a commitment to myself to carve just about every day, if at all possible. I joined the WCI Forum to become part of a greater community of woodcarvers, which has brought me motivation and encouragements. I started this blog, which has allowed me to share my progress with the outside world. Seeing nearly 2900 views in just over three months has given me the drive to keep it going. And, most important of all, I have decided to "put myself out there". I did this in two ways. First I set up shop on, which forced me to start finishing work to a level of quality that was worthy of sale to others. In just a couple months, I sold more than 25 pieces! This gives me personal gratification, but more importantly, tells me that there is a growing appreciation for hand crafted objects of art. 

I will be finishing up a few last Santas for 2010 in the next week or so and then I'd like to get on to some other types of carving. I have a few idea which I'll share closer to 2011.  Thank you to my "followers" and viewers of this blog and thank you to everyone who has offered a word to encouragement to me or another carver this past year. It really does make a difference.

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